Die weltweit größten Unternehmen, Investoren und Organisationen vertrauen auf unsere Erfahrung, um die richtigen Entscheidungen in einer sich rasant verändernden Welt zu treffen. Wir verbinden außergewöhnliche Leistung mit entscheidendem Wissensvorsprung zur Lösung komplexester Probleme, wo und wann immer sie sich unseren Mandanten stellen.
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Geopolitical risks are a significant concern for businesses and investors in the current global landscape. Understanding these risks is crucial for adjusting the risk management system, making informe...
Author(s): Beth George, Christoph H. Seibt, Maximilian Lasson, Ilka Oberländer, Malte Symann, Christian Altenhofen
On 26 July 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a consultation paper (CP24/14) with proposals on three different but interconnected aspects of the derivatives trading obligation (DTO)...
Author(s): Michael Raffan, Elisabeth Overland, Christopher Bernard
In a judgment that will be of interest to exchanges and those who trade on them, the English High Court dismissed judicial review proceedings brought against the London Metal Exchange (LME) and LME Cl...
Author(s): Emma Probyn, James Smethurst, Harry White
In April 2022, in the response to its consultation on regulatory approach to, among other things, distributed ledger technology (DLT) in financial markets, HM Treasury (HMT) confirmed that it would de...
Author(s): Claire Harrop, Claudia Rugue
Wholesale Markets Review: an enhanced, tailor-made regime for UK markets
Memorandum of understanding on financial services: A stepping stone to ensuring equivalence?
UK equivalence decisions for financial services
EMIR 2.2: Third country CCPs
EU recovery and resolution proposals for CCPs