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The English Court of Appeal has rejected the use of a bifurcated representative procedure to bring shareholder claims under section 90/90A and Schedule 10/10A Financial Services Act 2000 (FSMA) (full ...
Author(s): Sarah Parkes, Emma Probyn, Maisie Stewart, Anoushka Nightingale, Phoebe Campbell
So far this year we’ve seen a range of important cases and developments before the Courts in the UK affecting financial institutions. In a webinar this week, Anthea Bowater, Tom Clark, Miryam Farrelly...
Author(s): Thomas Clark, Emma Probyn, Anthea Bowater, Miryam Farrelly, Sarah Robinson, Julia Schulman, Rebecca Freedman
The decision in Standard Chartered v Guaranty Nominees [2024] EWHC 2605 (Comm) considers how to interpret contractual provisions referencing LIBOR rates when LIBOR rates are no longer published. The d...
Author(s): Emma Probyn, Duncan Kellaway, Kevin Whibley, Greg Garfield, Sharon Grennan, Ephraim Conteh
The English Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal of the High Court’s judgment in favour of the London Metal Exchange (LME) and LME Clear, the central counterparty of the LME, in respect of the LME’s de...
Author(s): Emma Probyn, James Smethurst, Harry White
Dispute resolution in financial services: scanning the horizon for key trends
De-banking: The Consumer Duty Focus’
Banking and financial services litigation: key themes from 2023 and trends for 2024
Quincecare duty: held in check and basis clarified
Climate Change and the Banking Industry
Banking and financial services litigation: 2022 in review and 2023 in prospect
Quincecare duty: Keeping it on the straight and narrow
UK financial services enforcement in 2021