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Introduction Supply chains are under the radar of public prosecutor offices, other governmental authorities, including the competition authority, and consumers or consumers’ associations in Italy. As ...
Author(s): Luca Capone, Federico Mercuri, Matteo Tola, Giovanni Fabris, Giacomo Vergallo, Alberto Criscuolo
The House of Lord’s Financial Services Regulation Committee has today published its report on the FCA’s publicity consultation, Naming and shaming: how not to regulate. The Committee’s conclusions The...
Author(s): Lucy Clark
Although 2024 has not seen a return to the levels of fines and outcomes of the pre-financial crisis era, there has been a notable uptick in published outcomes and financial penalties from the FCA in t...
Author(s): Thomas Clark, Sharon Grennan
The Court of Appeal’s decision On 25 October 2024, the Court of Appeal handed down its judgment in three linked appeals – Johnson v FirstRand Bank Ltd, Wrench v FirstRand Bank Ltd and Hopcraft v Clos...
Author(s): Emma Probyn, Benjamin Ng, Lucy Clark
UK financial services enforcement round-up, and looking ahead to 2025
UK financial services enforcement round-up, and looking ahead to 2024
De-banking: Difficult decisions
UK enforcement round up and looking ahead to 2023
Hong Kong regulatory enforcement trends – annual review and look ahead
Record fines, but fewer actions: Hong Kong regulatory enforcement in 2020
UK Financial services enforcement round up and looking ahead
UK enforcement round up and looking ahead