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How the US is responding to COVID-19
Below you will find a collection of our latest thoughts and insights on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
US: can the failing firm defence save a deal?
Corruption risk and enforcement in the time of COVID
US, Argentina and Brazil: contractual performance uncertainty
COVID-19: three avenues for US distressed M&A
US: are companies required to use contact tracing technology
Americas: adequate assurance and breach of contract
US: NYC state courts to allow the filing of new complaints
US: New York continues suspension of its statute of limitations
US: COVID-19's impact on the financial services sector
US: travelers’ right to refunds and airlines’ right to survival
US: legal implications of contact tracing apps
US: Nasdaq gives temporary shareholder approval relief for some capital raising
US: avoiding disclosure liabilities under securities laws
US: NY courts still not accepting nonessential lawsuits
US: recently filed MAE/MAC cases (part 2)
US: contact tracing apps
US: Nasdaq temporarily relaxes certain continued listing requirements
US: oral arguments and court hearings during COVID-19
US: recently filed MAE/MAC cases
US: seven governance and risk management guideposts
US: proxy advisory firms provide perspective on COVID-19 impact
US: NYSE temporarily relaxes some equity issuance requirements
US: Paycheck Protection Program - making applications
US: poison pill adoptions and what boards need to do now
US: M&A and MAE - the why and how of interim operating covenants
US: Delaware’s warning on distressed acquisitions
US Federal Reserve: further crisis funding
US: COVID-19 litigation just beginning
US: SEC urges 'good corporate hygiene'
US aviation sector: CARES Act - key considerations
US: court filings trends during the pandemic
US: financing under the CARES Act
US: comparison of government financing programmes (PDF, 155K)
US commercial contracts: risks for global companies
US: avoiding mis-steps while in financial distress
US: CARES Act and private equity
US: recording videoconferences - the legal risks
US: close-out litigation - risks and tips
US: private investments in public equity
US: SEC guidance for public companies
US financial institutions: compliance risks
US airline sector: financial relief
US: debt buybacks
US: government monetary and fiscal actions
US: adequate assurance
US: CARES Act - SME lending provisions
US: CARES Act - business tax provisions
US: CARES Act - Paycheck Protection Program
US: CARES Act - financing provisions
US: issuing equity to the government for aid
Compliance risk: lessons from prior crises
US medical privacy and the coronavirus
US: New York suspends its statute of limitations
US: coronavirus, force majeure and foreseeability
US: fiduciary duties in volatile times
11 concerns for parties to US financings
US: contractual assurances and litigation risk
Tech sector M&A: adding R&W insurance to the toolkit
How COVID-19 is affecting contractual and deal terms
US: how to hold a virtual shareholder meeting
US: performance-based awards for employees of public companies
US ban on travel from Europe: the implications
The impact on start-up financing