Legal notice
The Netherlands
We practise law in The Netherlands through Freshfields LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC334789 and registered office at 100 Bishopsgate, London EC2P 2SR and registered in The Netherlands with the Dutch Chambers of Commerce, registration number 34368197.
Via this website Freshfields may offer certain information society services. In accordance with European "E-commerce Directive" (2000/31/EC) and Article 15d of Book 3 of the Dutch Civil Code, the following information is therefore made available to you.
- Contacts
- Bar admission
- Professional rules
- Tax identification number
All external links below will open in a new browser window.
This internet site is provided by Freshfields:
- Main contact details for Freshfields.
- Full address and contact details for Freshfields' establishment in The Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Bar admission
As an international law firm, Freshfields' Amsterdam office also has lawyers from, and qualified under the laws of, other jurisdictions. Please refer to the respective "Legal notice" pages for international information.
Freshfields' Amsterdam office includes:
- attorneys (advocaten under the laws of The Netherlands), registered with the Dutch Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten);
- civil law notaries (notarissen, toegevoegd notarissen and kandidaat-notarissen under the laws of The Netherlands), registered with the Royal Dutch Organisation of Civil Law Notaries (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie);
- some of our advocaten are also tax advisers (belastingadviseurs) registered with the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (De Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs);
- England and Wales qualified solicitors and registered foreign lawyers (RFLs) registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority; and
- lawyers qualified under the laws of, and registered in, other jurisdictions.
Professional rules
Information about the professional rules applicable to these professionals may be found via the following websites:
- for advocaten: (look for Wet- en regelgeving/Vademecum wet- en regelgeving; available only in Dutch);
- for notarissen: (look under De KNB / Wet- en regelgeving notariaat; available only in Dutch);
- for belastingadviseurs: (look under Algemene informatie cliënten / Statuten en reglementen; in Dutch, some information is also available in English); and
- for solicitors:
Value Added Tax Identification Number
Freshfields' Netherlands Value Added Tax number is NL819315874B01